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Professional Liability


Coverage Options

Who Needs Professional Liability?

Small businesses that provide professional services or give advice to clients should consider purchasing professional liability insurance. Professional liability insurance provides protection when a small business owner is sued for negligence when their work doesn't meet a client's expectations.

What Covers Professional Liability?


Professional Liability Insurance, also called errors and omissions insurance (E&O insurance), protects your business from claims of negligence even if you haven't made a mistake.  

More Details

Professional liability insurance offers different types of coverage for small businesses:

Alleged or Actual Negligence:


Protects a business against actual or alleged errors and omissions when providing professional services, such as giving incorrect advice, an omission, or failing to deliver a service.

Past Work Covered:


Unlike some insurers, we cover unknown claims arising from work completed before you were even insured with us, back to an agreed date.

Copyright Infringement:


Can provide coverage for damages or claims expenses for copyright infringement.

Personal Injury:


Can provide protection for small businesses against both libel and slander if it’s committed as part of your professional services.

Claims Responsiveness:


When a covered claim is reported, we will immediately defend you even if the claim has no basis and, if necessary, appoint an attorney.

Work Done By Temporary Staff:


Our professional liability insurance covers work done by your employees, temporary staff, and independent contractors.

Defense Costs:


Provides legal defense when a covered claim is reported.

We Can Bundle Your Business Insurance Policies










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