Coverage Options
Who Needs Professional Liability?
Small businesses that provide professional services or give advice to clients should consider purchasing professional liability insurance. Professional liability insurance provides protection when a small business owner is sued for negligence when their work doesn't meet a client's expectations.
What Covers Professional Liability?
Professional Liability Insurance, also called errors and omissions insurance (E&O insurance), protects your business from claims of negligence even if you haven't made a mistake.
More Details
Professional liability insurance offers different types of coverage for small businesses:
Alleged or Actual Negligence:
Protects a business against actual or alleged errors and omissions when providing professional services, such as giving incorrect advice, an omission, or failing to deliver a service.
Past Work Covered:
Unlike some insurers, we cover unknown claims arising from work completed before you were even insured with us, back to an agreed date.
Copyright Infringement:
Can provide coverage for damages or claims expenses for copyright infringement.
Personal Injury:
Can provide protection for small businesses against both libel and slander if it’s committed as part of your professional services.
Claims Responsiveness:
When a covered claim is reported, we will immediately defend you even if the claim has no basis and, if necessary, appoint an attorney.
Work Done By Temporary Staff:
Our professional liability insurance covers work done by your employees, temporary staff, and independent contractors.
Defense Costs:
Provides legal defense when a covered claim is reported.